8 months ago | |
cocoa | 5 years ago | |
example | 8 months ago | |
.golangci.yml | 6 years ago | |
LICENSE | 7 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
dlgs.go | 3 years ago | |
dlgs_darwin.go | 8 months ago | |
dlgs_linux.go | 3 years ago | |
dlgs_windows.go | 1 year ago | |
go.mod | 8 months ago | |
go.sum | 2 years ago | |
util.go | 10 years ago |
Simple cross-platform dialog API for go-lang
ok := dialog.Message("%s", "Do you want to continue?").Title("Are you sure?").YesNo()
Creates a dialog box titled "Are you sure?", containing the message "Do you want to continue?", a "Yes" button and a "No" button. Returns true iff the dialog could be displayed and the user pressed the "Yes" button.
filename, err := dialog.File().Filter("Mp3 audio file", "mp3").Load()
Creates a file selection dialog allowing the user to select a .mp3 file. The absolute path of
the file is returned, unless an error is encountered or the user cancels/closes the dialog.
In the latter case, filename
will be the empty string and err
will equal dialog.Cancelled
filename, err := dialog.File().Filter("XML files", "xml").Title("Export to XML").Save()
Asks the user for a filename to write data into. If the user selects a file which already exists, an additional dialog is spawned to confirm they want to overwrite the existing file.
directory, err := dialog.Directory().Title("Load images").Browse()
Asks the user for a directory.
platform details
- OSX: uses Cocoa's NSAlert/NSSavePanel/NSOpenPanel classes
- Win32: uses MessageBox/GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName (via package github.com/TheTitanrain/w32)
- Linux: uses Gtk's MessageDialog/FileChooserDialog (via cgo; requires gtk3 development packages)
go mod download
go build
On windows, the Load() and Save() calls change the working directory for the whole process while the dialog is open (after which it reset). This is an apparently unavoidable side effect of the underlying W32API; see #63 for more details.