demo application for modular-spatial-index

Updated 3 years ago fork for cross-compile for ARM

Updated 3 years ago

fork of

Updated 3 years ago

my fork of (I think this is needed because otherwise I get Go module issues when I try to build it into my fork of caddy)

Updated 3 years ago

deal with Root level privilege escalation problem for docker containers that would like to talk to the docker API

Updated 3 years ago

WebExtension to replace the brain-cancer-inducing default yellow color in prometheus graphs

Updated 3 years ago

generate linux sha512-crypt hashes in your web browser.

Updated 3 years ago privileged automation agent

Updated 3 years ago

a hacky web based IDE for writing kapacitor tickscripts

Updated 3 years ago

A command line application which transmits messages in binary through the odroid xu4 status LED

Updated 3 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

A simple JavaScript clone of the LOGO drawing language. Write turtle programs in JavaScript, saved in your browser.

Updated 3 years ago

patch nautilus (ubuntu file manager) to remove stupid hubris changes

Updated 3 years ago

Run a temporary instance of Excalibur PDF extraction tool more easily without fighting dependency issues.

Updated 3 years ago

ShaderLab 0 0

ludum dare 46

Updated 3 years ago

Peer-to-peer VPN and WebRTC gateway for, built on libp2p

Updated 3 years ago

new version of send email from command line utility, this time based on golang

Updated 3 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

fork of

Updated 3 years ago

a WebExtension to make firefox refresh the page & keep the backblaze session alive so you don't get logged out.

Updated 3 years ago